Log Entry #148


“I thought I might find you here,” I said to Eloril.

He glanced up at me and smiled. “Sit,” he invited, patting the sand. “It is a nice place to go, especially since the weather has gotten colder.”

“Mmm, it is nice to get away from them at time.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Sitting on the beach?”

“No, the children thing…”

“Oh, it’s my mission. My people sent me out to explore the galaxy.”

“And breed with it.”


I laughed, “Yeah, I suppose so. I’m finding I don’t mind that aspect of it as much as I used to. I love my children and their other parents…I’m friends or at least on speaking terms with most of them.”

“Mmm, my ada would be upset about my doing this.”




He laughed, “He was less than pleased with my sister…”

“I’ve noticed that fathers tend to be more over-protective regarding their daughters and their daughters’ choice of mates.”

He sighed. “I was thinking about what to tell them about this…”

“The truth?”

“Actually I have a friend, a very close friend, back home.”


“Yes,” he admitted. “I was hoping to become ‘something more’ but I’m not sure how she’ll react when she finds out about this.”

“I understand. I have a close friend who, under other circumstances, could have been ‘something more’.”


I shrugged. “My mission. It was hardly fair to make her wait or watch while I bedded other people. Are you having second thoughts about doing this?”

“Yes. My sister is engaged in a similar task. Several males have expressed…doubt…that she would ever find a husband when she is finished.”

“Doubt?” I snorted. “Is that what they’re calling it?”



I snorted again. “I have a few ideas about just what they called her.”

“What if they’re right?”

I stared up at the stars. “What if they are? Why did your sister do this in the first place?”

“The Goddess asked it of her.”

I rolled my eyes at that. “Is your Goddess loving?”


“Then perhaps when your sister’s task is done, your Goddess has a very special mate waiting for her. One who will not care about how many men she’s been with.”

“You really think so?”

I shrugged. “Anything is possible. I would not want a mate who objected to the number of people I’d been with. Especially since it was a task set by one in authority.”

He smiled and touched my hand. A thrill of desire went through me. I envied his lady friend. I hoped she knew just what kind of man he had. I sighed silently. This meant I would have to cease my subtle attempts to lure Eloril into my bed. I idly wondered if his sister enjoyed sex. He probably didn’t want me near his sister for that reason. Not that I would have objected if she was half as attractive as Eloril. I did need more varied genetics, so no more relatives having children with me. I covertly studied the male elf’s profile. Why did I find him so desirable? It wasn’t simply hormones. I rested my head on his shoulder, content for the moment to simply be.


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1 Comment

  1. Rommich is wise – Eloril’s sister does have a good husband waiting for her – lol Laril 😀


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